Monday, September 7, 2009

The Law of Diminishing Returns

Although slightly drunk, i thought my conversation with Mira last night was worth every hiccup and headache. i woke up with a smile and a realization that, although regretful in some measurement, i did good: in love, in life and where i am right now. i can't really say i am, what was that Mike? - happy, but i surely can pat my own back and understand that i have grown and i have had a good journey all these years.

The law of diminishing returns states that as equal quantities of one variable are increased, while other factor inputs remain constant, ceteris paribus, a point is reached beyond which the addition of one more unit of the variable factor will result in a diminishing rate of return and the marginal physical product will fall. i have never really enjoyed Economics then, i even had to take the damned course twice, but this particular law does make sense. Now correct me if i am wrong, my understanding is that, the more a person consumes a product, the lesser the satisfaction he gets in return. That probably explains why my emotions were beyond disinterest when i had to take Economics for the second time. 

Reasonably, my points of view are in accordance to my self in general. I may have altered some facts that may give justice to the more profound meaning of the law - i apologize. I am chauvinistic; i magnify life's simplicity, a blind enthusiasm in approaching reality and i am very biased to what would please me. 

It's not a surprise that i am once again single (funny, i was never in a relationship anyway).  i can say that i have honestly surpassed the stage of bitterness and mourning months before i decided to call it quits. i have put my life on hold for a regretful amount of time and i have decided to make changes that are more eventful. Although the law may be forced to explain my decision making, it made me realize what i am worth and what i truly need and want in a partner and a relationship. It may be unfair for me to say that my feelings have expired and/or, as the law would say, there is contrast to the increase that would otherwise be expected - i ask myself, have i simply lost interest? Since emotions are imprecise, i'd like to be categorical by saying I have familiarized myself with what he can produce - i am no longer appeased.

My lead once quoted me during a company meeting while he was addressing the lower constituents, saying "I'd rather that you hate me and become successful." i smiled, he continued "in the future you'd look back and understand why i was mean to you back then." I have reached my Miranda level at work (i have been inspired by amazing people). I may be the most difficult person to work with, what i know for sure is that everything i do has a reason, a purpose and a consequence. I am where i am now because i know my capacity and my weaknesses. The law is best expressed here: I have mastered my skill. I need new challenges. My expectations no longer meet what i am given to work with. My end results have been the same, consistent. Galadriel once said, "I have passed the test, i will diminish and go to the West, and remain Galadriel." My time is now.

Maybe i am using the economic rule to justify the changes that i want to happen in my life? Maybe i am giving reason to a frustration that i can't admit to myself wholeheartedly? Maybe i need reason to back me up? Maybe.  

What i know for sure is that i am determined. Aside for my two week plan that has been slightly discriminated (chot!), i have my yellow brick road commenced. I am ready.


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And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

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Anonymous said...

Very nice and intrestingss story.